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Urban Leaving to Country Living

Finishing the Series Reading Challenge


PhotobucketYvonne over at Socrates’ Book Reviews has the same problem I do: starting a new series and reading the first book, then getting distracted with other books and never getting back to the series. So: she’s hosting the 2012 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge, and I’m entering it.

It doesn’t matter if I have 1 or 10 books in a series to complete it, it qualifies. The goal is to complete a series from wherever I am in it to until the last published book. I’m going in at level 3 and am going to finish the Maisie Dobbs series by Jacqueline Winspear, the newest Flavia de Luce mystery by Alan Bradley, and the most recent in the delightful Chet & Bernie series by Spencer Quinn.

Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear
The Mapping of Love and Death Completed Apr 2012
A Lesson in Secrets Completed Aug 2012
Elegy for Eddie Completed Aug 2012

Flavia de Luce by Alan Bradley
I Am Half-Sick of Shadows Completed Jan 2012

Chet & Bernie by Spencer Quinn
The Dog Who Knew Too Much Completed Aug 2012
A Fistful of Collars Completed Oct 2012

And I also completed this series:
Bess Crawford by Charles Todd
An Unmarked Grave Completed Jul 2012

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4 Comments to

“Finishing the Series Reading Challenge”

  1. On December 16th, 2011 at 12:39 am Yvonne Says:

    Welcome to the challenge! You have some great choices! I’m just finishing the audio of the new Chet & Bernie book. I’m loving it.

  2. On December 16th, 2011 at 11:37 am Debbie Says:

    Thanks, Yvonne! And I do really love that series!

  3. On December 17th, 2011 at 2:11 pm kim in ohio Says:

    yes!!! thanks for doing this challenge. I finished so many series this past year and I am looking forward to doing the same this year.
    kim in ohio

  4. On December 17th, 2011 at 2:54 pm Debbie Says:

    I’ve let myself get really behind on Maisie Dobbs’ adventures, Kim, so I’m really looking forward to completing this challenge. Thanks for dropping by! Debbie in Nova Scotia 🙂

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