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Urban Leaving to Country Living

Progress? or Anachronism?


Such irony: on Saturday, I offered a sample of the small things that had given me pleasure in the past week. One of the items I chose was “no traffic lights within a 40 minute drive”.

Yesterday morning, I turned left out of my driveway and almost immediately saw a traffic light on our road.

Traffic light

The province is doing some infrastructure repair of many of the numerous bridges along the North Shore. The bit of road where they installed the light isn’t really a bridge but just the road bed over culverts to accommodate a stream from the nearby salt marsh. The culverts are being reinforced but I have no picture of that work. Instead, I couldn’t take my eyes off the traffic light.

HOW in the world, I thought, could they possibly have installed the infrastructure for that? How did they tap into the power lines?

When the light turned green and we started through the single lane for traffic, I found my answer: solar power. (I’m very impressed.)

solar panel for remote traffic light

And the good news is that, once the road work is done, the traffic light will be gone.
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