Book Review: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: One Man’s Extraordinary Year of Trying to Do the Right Things by Lee Kravitz
What would you do if you suddenly lost your high-powered, high-pressure job in a declining industry, and received a year’s severance pay? Hit the pavement? Take up a hobby? Stay under the covers?
The author of Unfinished Business: One Man’s Extraordinary Year of Trying to Do the Right Things
, Lee Kravitz, faced just such a situation in his mid-fifties. After taking stock of seemed to be a very successful life, he decided to spend that year reconnecting to the people in his life. As he says:
As good as my life looked on paper, it was sorely lacking in the one area that puts flesh on meaning: human connectedness.
We all have the kind of unfinished business to which Kravitz refers in the title of his book—emotional loose ends: old friends we’ve lost touch with, promises we made but didn’t keep, family we’ve grown apart from, things unsaid that need saying.
By the time we reach our fifties, most of us have accumulated a long list of such items, partly because we think we’ll get to them later, we need our own time, we’re busy with other things, or it’s just too difficult to or embarrassing to carry through. It’s true that as Kravitz says,
If we remembered how we could be separated from our loved ones at any moment, we would accumulate a lot less unfinished business.
In Kravitz’s year of making amends, he set out on ten ‘journeys’, including catching up with a loved aunt who had drifted out of his life, making an over-due condolence call, paying a 30-year-old debt to an associate, looking up a mentor of his youth, and visiting a high-school friend who is now a Greek Orthodox monk. Along the way, he gains insights into himself and into what really makes a life – his and ours.
Reading this book has made me aware of the emotional loose ends in my own life, but being aware and taking the time and effort to do something are two different things. Kravitz recognized how much of a struggle it would be to keep up the rekindled relationships on an on-gong basis once he ‘re-entered his life’. He determined to make time, and so should we all. I would be interested in a follow-up from Kravitz: how has he handled that intention?
Of course, you’ll relate to this book if you’re a baby-boomer, beginning to question the value of what you’re achieved thus far in life, but don’t wait until then. Read this at twenty, thirty, or forty and perhaps you’ll prevent some of the regret that comes of losing touch over the years with the people you care about. After all, as Kravitz says:
Life goes fast. Click. You are fifteen. Click, click. You are fifty-five. Click, click. You are gone. And so are the people who loved and nurtured you.
Link for my Canadian readers:
Unfinished Business
Note: is charging twice as much (19.44) as ($10.00 for hardcover), so if you’re in Canada, I’d suggest the Kindle version:
Unfinished Business: One Man’s Extraordinary Year of Trying to Do the Right Things
I think I’d like this book. As I get older time seems to go by faster. I feel the need to slow down and appreciate all that’s around me and at the same time there are so many things I still want to do.
I feel the same way, Leslie. Time seems to be going by faster, and I want to go slower. I, also, think you would enjoy this book.
I received this one a few weeks ago and am really looking foraward to it.