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Urban Leaving to Country Living

Afternoon Sighting: Inseparable Pals


On the way to the nearest town 45 minutes away, the highway runs by a field in which there is often a white horse. And if the horse is there, so is the goat, following the horse around like a shadow. This summer, there is a new addition – the goat’s kid, who is not visible in the photo.

Horse & goat,North River

I think people must stop often for photos and the horse is fed up. Nearly every time I took a shot, he moved his rear-end to the camera. Not amused by the paparazzi , I guess.

2 Comments to

“Afternoon Sighting: Inseparable Pals”

  1. On September 1st, 2011 at 10:49 am Barbara Says:

    Maybe he thinks that’s his best side? 🙂

    This morning on the news they told about a 911 call about two little girls in footie pajamas walking down the street in the middle of the night leading a goat. Upon investigation the police found a 5 yr. old and her 7 yr. old sister with a goat they had stolen from a petting zoo! They had planned it, taking the leash along, and were taking him home. They said Mommy probably knew, but Daddy didn’t, so maybe the cops should keep it on the down-low and not let Daddy find out. Isn’t that cute? But of course they could have been in real danger.

  2. On September 1st, 2011 at 11:48 am Debbie Says:

    LOL, Barbara – he should have a look at the photos and he might change his mind. 🙂

    The story of the ‘goat-stealers’ is priceless! Thanks for sharing ti.

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