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Urban Leaving to Country Living

2nds Reading Challenge


seconds challenge 2012COMPLETED

Have you read a book by an author that you really enjoyed and felt moved to read another of the author’s works? So have I – and the Seconds Reading Challenge 2012, hosted by Katy of A Few More Pages is going to encourage me to go back for seconds of authors that I’ve read only once.

The great thing about this challenge is that it’s not just for my second in a series books, but the second time I’ve read an author as well. That is, I can include series and stand-alone novels. But – it is only for seconds, not thirds and so on. For that reason, I’m entering at the Just a Spoonful level and promising to read just 3 books that are 2nd in a series or the second time I’ve read the author.

I did better than I anticipated. Some of these authors are also on the New Authors Challenge.

1. Bantock, Nick: Sabine’s Notebook (2nd in the Griffin & Sabine trilogy)

2. Grenville, Kate: Searching for the Secret River

3. Norman, Dave: White River Junctions

4. Collins, Wilkie: The Moonstone

5. Cameron, W. Bruce: A Dog’s Journey

6. Taylor, Phoebe Atwood: The Mystery of the Cape Cod Tavern

7. Richler, Mordecai: The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz

8. King, Stephen: 11/22/63

9. Johnston, Wayne: The Divine Ryans

10. Montgomery, Lucy Maud: Kilmeny of the Orchard

11. Oates, Joyce Carol: The Museum of Dr. Moses

12. McKay, Ami: The Birth House

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