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Urban Leaving to Country Living

The 3660 Minute Reading Challenge


3660 Minute Reading ChallengeFAILED TO COMPLETE

On the heels of the Picture Book Challenge and my goal never to say “no” to the request from my three-year-old grandson for a story, comes The 3660 Minute Reading Challenge, hosted by Mommy Wants To Read.

What is this Challenge? “To spend 10 minutes every single day reading to our children. Since this year is a leap year there are 366 days hence 3660 minutes. The goal is to promote reading, increase imagination, foster a love of words, bolster comprehension skills, and spend quality time with the children in our lives.”

Sounds good to me!

Unfortunately, Steven & his mom moved unexpectedly to Vancouver at the end of January and our reading time was curtailed. For the first couple of weeks, I tried reading to him on the phone but there were always too many distractions for him.

For the year, I recorded an abysmal 380 minutes spent reading to him.

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2 Comments to

“The 3660 Minute Reading Challenge”

  1. On December 19th, 2011 at 6:22 pm Melissa Says:

    Thanks so much for signing up! I’m sure your grandson will love that you are reading so much to him!

  2. On December 19th, 2011 at 6:59 pm Debbie Says:

    Thank you, Melissa! I’m sure it will be time we both enjoy 🙂

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