danny*s first snow by leonid gore: Bookish Thoughts
(I’m thankful that the author used capital letters in the text of the story.)
I had forgotten that I had read danny*s first snow before—when Steven was living with us. But I remember now his reaction to it: he didn’t get it.
Gore has drawn “delicate pastels and acrylics” of snowy outdoor scenes where the trees and bushes look like different animals. Steven couldn’t figure out where the animals were. On one page where he did see them, he didn’t understand that it was also a picture of a tree with snow on it.
But I can hardly blame him – I’ve never seen trees and bushes that look like that and I’ve seen plenty snow-covered nature. The story itself wasn’t anything special, either.
I’m sorry, Leonid, but I think it’s worth only 2 stars.
Written & illustrated by: Leonid Gore 2007
Published by: ginee seo books NY 2007
Canadian link:
danny*s first snow