Picture Book Review: APPLES and BUTTERFLIES by Shauntay Grant; illustrated by Tamara Thiébaux-Heikalo
Apples and Butterflies
tells the story of a young girl and her family on a fall holiday on Prince Edward Island, based on the author’s own memories.
Although this is subtitled: a Poem for Prince Edward Island, if there is a poem here, it is very free-form and I couldn’t recognize it. I know my poetry senses are untrained but then, so are a child’s (I assume the intended audience).
So I looked at Apples and Butterflies as “just” another picture book. From that point of view it was disappointing. The story does mention some of the delights of PEI but doesn’t develop them before the ideas float away. The illustrations seemed non-descript given the beauty they were intending to capture.
Sorry, Shauntay. I think it’s worth only 3 stars – plus another half for the Atlantic Canada connection. 3½ stars
Link for Canadian readers:
Apples and Butterflies: A Poem for Prince Edward Island