What a difference in a month! It beginning to look like spring although it sure hasn’t been feeling like it. Temperatures have been mostly single digits C (seldom above 50 F).
A closer view this month
The trees are still pretty bare, but the grass is green and growing and the daffodils that we actually sodded over last year have returned. This brings me much joy.
In contrast, a friend helped me plant close to 200 daffodil bulbs in this new garden last fall. They were meant to fill the garden with a swath of yellow, and spill out onto the lawn (which they have done.) What a disappointment they have proved to be.
A work in progress
What’s in your garden right now? Are the spring flowers in your part of the world all finished?
P.S. Some of the book and product links are affiliate links so I will receive a small percentage of any purchase you make after clicking through from this blog.
I did this balcony, although I wasn’t really on the cover of Time.
Twenty years ago, I had a small business decorating what I called “outdoor spaces”: porches, balconies, decks, patios, gazebos and so on. As part of my advertising as the haven maven, I wrote content for several online and print publications.
Yesterday, I found a piece I was particularly pleased with at the time, but which never found life in a publication. It’s especially appropriate around Oscars time, but there’s only one movie in this list that was made in this century, so I’m classifying it as ‘vintage’ rather than Oscars. Enjoy!
1. The absolutely most wonderful outdoor space in all of movie-making history must be the quintessential Adirondack-style screened porch in On Golden Pond. Henry Fonda and Katherine Hepburn’s portrayals of Norman and Ethel Thayer earned them Academy Awards in 1982.
2. My childhood dreams came to life in the musical number that Liesl and Rolfe danced around that fabulous gazebo in The Sound of Music. Nominated for ten 1966 Oscars, this musical saga of the von Trapp family took away five statuettes including Best Picture.
3. The widow’s walk that Colonel Behrani added to The House of Sand and Fog played an integral part in the plot of this 2003 drama. Who can forget Ben Kingsley and Shohreh Aghdashloo’s last afternoon together, watching the sun set from their precious balcony?
4. Last moments together play a recurring theme in movies and outdoor spaces. In the 1999 version of Anna and the King, Jodie Foster and Chow Yun-Fat danced together in the royal gazebo the last time he held her in his arms.
5. Porch swings have often been associated with old-time courting, and so the scene in Witness in which Rachel and Daniel sat silently rocking spoke volumes and no dialogue was needed. Witness won two 1986 Academy Awards.
6. Hark – what light through yonder window breaks? The most famous balcony scene in history is over 400 years old. Willy Shakespeare would no doubt have loved Franco Zeffirelli’s adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, which copped two Oscars at the 1969 ceremonies.
7. Although the plantation setting might suggest lots of activity played out in outdoor living spaces, Gone with the Wind’s most memorable porch scene was when Melanie caught sight of Ashley’s return and fairly flew off the steps to run into his arms. GWTW was nominated for a phenomenal 15 Academy Awards in 1940 and won nine – including, of course, Best Picture.
8. Much of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is set on Matt and Christina Drayton’s elegant terrace overlooking San Francisco. At the 1968 Academy ceremonies, Katherine Hepburn won her second of four Oscars for this picture.
9. Forrest Gump and his mother lived in a rambling southern country home with one of movies’ most beautiful white painted verandas. It was from here that Jenny stepped down on her wedding day. Among the six 1995 golden statuettes that this movie won, was an award to Tom Hanks as Best Actor, and Best Picture.
10. Titanic swept the box office and the 1998 ceremonies, winning an astonishing 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture. But wait—this movie was set on a boat- where was the outdoor haven? Of course—Jack declared himself King of the World – all the while standing on the deck.
Two decades on I find my tastes have changed slightly. My favourite in the list now? Depends on whether I’m in city or country mode.
City: Hands down, the Drayton’s SF terrace in Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Country: that absolutely wonderful wrap-around porch in Greenbow, Alabama.
How about you?
P.S. Some of the book and product links are affiliate links so I will receive a small percentage of any purchase you make after clicking through from this blog.
We’re going to be slammed tonight and tomorrow morning by the end of Hurricane Teddy, but the past three days have been golden.
We started to clear a portion of our back acreage this summer and came up with some rocks, all of which we have not yet found a use for. I don’t pay much attention to the landscape back here but every time I walk out of the barn, I see this display of “weeds” (maybe ‘wildflowers’ is more accurate?). It strikes me as an ephemeral thing of beauty.
What’s the last unexpected beauty you’ve found?
P.S. The links are affiliate links so I will receive a small percentage of any purchase you make after clicking through from this blog.
When I first posted this month for Nonfiction November, I implied that I was returning to my blog, after a break that started in May. Admittedly, it’s far easier to participate in prescheduled events than to actually create a blog post. But here I am.
Some of you may realize that before my break, I was using Exurbanis to list & describe all the books that I’ve read, as the years progressed. And you may also know that I was behind in monthly summaries – by about three years. In January of this year (2018) I posted my summary for January2015 and determined to myself that I was going to be up to date by the end of the year. Instead, I stalled at October 2015, and am now a month further behind than I was in January.
The thought of trying to finish this project almost kept me from returning to blogging. So – I’ve rethought how I’ll keep my book records, and what I’ll use Exurbanis for. If you’re interested in my reading history, you’ll find it pretty much up to date in Library Thingor Good Reads.
That frees me up to post in greater detail about some of the books I read, the ones about which I have something to say to you, without feeling obligated to document them all. And it allows me to talk about other things that are going on in my life and (maybe) to return a bit to the intended purpose of Exurbanis which was to discuss country life.
For a start, here’s what my husband and three friends did yesterday afternoon with our winter’s supply of wood. It’s three stacks deep and there’s two rows stacked up on the deck.
Bill is repairing the ends as I speak, preparatory for tarping it against the rain and snow.
After the work was done, we sat by the wood stove in the dining room and ate chili and drank rum and Jägermeister and told tall tales. There’s nothing like a wood party to cement friendships.
I hope you’ll stay with me as my future journey on Exurbanis unfolds.
P.S. The links may be affiliate links so I will receive a small percentage of any purchase you make after clicking through from this blog.
(Does anyone remember Katherine Hepburn’s famous line in Stage Door, 1937: “The calla lilies are in bloom again.”)?
When we moved here, there were several daylily plantings that have all thrived and grown. They really need to be divided this fall!
A sea of colour. Unlike many parts of the country (I’m thinking of you, Ontario) we had lots of rain and cool weather in June so the garden is somewhat lush.
Last week I took part in Top Ten Tuesday and extolled the virtues of country living. I also promised that this week I would balance the scales a little by listing a few things I miss about living in the city.
I could come up with only five. I’m clearly a country girl at heart.
1. Live Theatre — Although there is a small amateur group here in Tatamagouche, they present only twice a year. In the city, I had season’s tickets to every theatre group going, professional and amateur. From September to June, I was out an average of twice a month going to theatre productions.
2. Ethnic Food — Sometimes there will be one restaurant run by new citizens who will provide the cuisine of their home country, but usually it’s pizza, “Chinese”, or, here in Nova Scotia, donairs. Sometimes I long for good Indian food.
3. Pizza Delivery — There are some nights when it’s a toss-up as to which I feel less like doing: cooking or driving into the village to pick-up the pizza.
4. Sidewalks — In the spring, especially. Even when the snow is still piled up, if the walk has been cleared and the sun has been shining, there might be no need of boots in the city. In the country, we all have “mud boots” (for March through May) as well as warm winter boots.
5. Short distances to Your Friends’ Houses — It’s not the getting there, it’s the driving home after dark, keeping careful watch for all the critters who (rightfully) think the road is a part of their woods.
How about it, city dwellers? What are the advantages of urban living?
I want to make this a quick list that won’t require extra photos, nor a lot of your time to read.
1. Privacy (in a physical sense). Folks will want to know who your grandfather was, where you’re from, why you’re here and lots, lots more. But most of them “don’t mean nothin’ by it”. It’s just the country way of knowing people. And they leave you be to go out on the deck in your robe (or less!)
2. Quiet – You’re usually far enough away from your neighbours that the noises you hear are the spring peepers, summer crickets, autumn leaves, and winter wind. Much nicer than someone else’s stereo on full blast, sirens and horns, and squealing tires.
3. Friendliness — It might take you a while to be accepted in the country but while you’re waiting you can pretty much know that everybody on Main Street will smile and say hello. It helps to try do things their way instead of showing off your city learnin’.
4. Traffic — There isn’t any. Except during haying season when the farmers drive their tractors down the highway. Three cars behind one is a traffic jam. (The school buses here pull over and let you by.)
5. Clean Air — No traffic carbon monoxide, no factory particulates or smells. Country air smells green; here it sometimes also smells like the ocean.
6. Clotheslines — outlawed in lots of cities, but pretty much de rigeur in the country.
7. No Water or Sewer Bill — not that we waste water; it is a limited earth resource after all. And every few years we have to pay to get the septic tank pumped. But it still beats having that monthly bill.
8. Wildlife — Okay, the bear getting into the green bin was a little much, but I never tire of seeing deer in the yard, or catching a glimpse of a fox or a ferret crossing the road and disappearing into the woods. There’s red squirrels, chipmunks, porcupines, muskrats and lots, lots more.
9. The View from My Window
10. House Accounts — at the pharmacy and the hardware store. Enough said.
To be fair, there are a few things that I miss about living in the city. I’ll share them with you next Tuesday.
One of the bonuses of our rural community is that it is on the Atlantic coast. (In Nova Scotia most of us are not far from the ocean. The province is very nearly an island.) The government of Nova Scotia limits the fishing seasons and rotates them throughout the various areas of the province. Although lobster is being fished throughout the summer, the fisherman in our area have only May & June to haul them in. So lobster season is here on the North Shore!
Since I was visiting Ontario for most of May, we have had a slow start to our personal lobster season. A neighbor of ours – just a mile down the road – runs Lobster Time each year to sell the lobsters that her husband & father-in-law fish. We picked up a feed today.
Since we eat them the traditional Atlantic Canadian way (cold with hot garlic butter, potato salad and bread), I bought these lobsters pre-cooked so supper was easy-peasy.
I’m linking up with Weekend Cooking, even though I did very little actual cooking.
The forecast isn’t for sunny today, but it’s (way!!) above zero – 15C, 60F – so I’m hanging out at least one load of laundry on the line.
Today is National Hanging Out Day, an initiative of Project Laundry List to promote cheap, low-tech, and easy to install solar clothes dryers – that is, hanging out laundry to dry.
As I’ve discussed on this blog before, in urban & suburban areas, clotheslines can be considered eyesores and are often banned.
In many rural areas, though, hanging clothes is regarded as an art form of sorts. At the very least, it’s just the way things are done: it saves energy (and therefore money) and the clothes smell terrific and last longer.
Clotheslines are definitely part of country living. Whether you participate or not, chances are you’ll be looking at your neighbours’ lines.
Postscript:According to Project Laundry List, the average American uses more energy running a clothes dryer than the average African uses in a year for all her energy needs. Is this fair to the planet?! Yikes, don’t get me started on The Story of Stuff.
One of the percs of country living is being able to see the stars. Countless nights, we have arrived home and stood outside our vehicles, head back and jaws open in awe. In the city, such viewing was impossible and limited to annual vacations in the ‘north’, or visits to a friend of a friend’s country place. (That didn’t happen often.)
Tonight is one of the best nights to have a ring-side seat to the stars because, of course, it’s time for the annual Perseids meteor shower, the best of the year – here in North America anyway.
So, just what is a shooting star? My research tells me that comets orbit continuously throughout our solar system. As the earth passes through a comet’s orbit on its way around the sun, some of the debris from the comet falls to earth as meteors. A meteor is a solid chunk of ice or metal that heats up the same way a space shuttle does when it passes through Earth’s upper atmosphere. They attain entry speeds of 12 – 18 miles per second and get hot enough to begin to vaporize. The evaporating gas from the meteor emits light, making the glow we see “shooting” by as the meteor falls toward the earth.
Unfortunately for me, today is the first rainy day in two weeks here and there will likely be too many clouds to see any stars at all tonight. But if you’re some place where you can observe this year’s show, here’s some tips I’ve picked up from country star-gazing.
• Get comfortable. A reclining chair, chaise or blanket on the ground will provide the best view and prevent a sore neck.
• Sitting or standing still outdoors can be a chilling experience, even in the summer. Bring a jacket or sweater and perhaps some blankets. This is especially important if you are accompanied by children who will be stretching out on the grass to watch the meteor shower.
• In many areas, you’ll want to use insect repellent to keep away mosquitoes and other pesky critters.
• Ten to 20 minutes before going outside, turn off all the lights in the house to help your eyes become accustomed to the dark. Of course, all of your outside lights should be off. If you find a lot of light in your neighborhood, you might organize a shooting star party, encouraging everyone to turn all of their inside and outdoor lights off for the evening and join you in watching the sky.
• While you’re waiting for the shooting stars, take a look around at the rest of the night sky. Next to the sun and moon, the planet Venus is the brightest object in the sky in the Northern hemisphere. You’ll see appear it above the western horizon just after sunset and may recognize it as the poetically named “Evening Star.” Or find Polaris, the North Star, around which the whole northern hemisphere sky seems to revolve.
Check a star map for what planets, stars and constellations are currently “showing” in your area. The trick to using a star map is to read it while holding it over your head. Suddenly, the ‘north” at the top and the ‘west’ to the right make sense!
• To see the Perseid meteor shower, look high in the northeast sky in the direction of the constellation Perseus and let your eyes relax and wander. The later you stay out, the better your chances are of seeing lots of shooting stars. After midnight, the earth turns into the direction of the meteor shower and you will see more meteors from the leading edge of the earth.
If you can’t get out tonight, when the Perseids shower is at its peak, there should still be some activity in the sky tomorrow night as well – and there’s always next year!
I’m sitting here by my office window drinking in the smells and sounds of the first rain in several weeks.
I remember learning the word petrichor several years ago. It’s said to be the only English noun that means a specific scent: that distinctively pleasant fragrance of rain falling on dry ground after a long, dry spell. This gorgeous word was coined by two Australian geologists, I. J. Bear and R. G. Thomas, in a 1964 article that appeared in the journal Nature.
I took this on Wednesday in beautiful Malagash Nova Scotia. The water of the Northumberland Strait (part of that same North Atlantic that sunk the Titanic) really was that blue.
My husband was on a business trip near Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland last week and snapped lots of photos of caribou. I think they’re an unusual combination: they’re a type of deer, yet have the shoulders of a moose, and legs and a head that look like a horse (to me anyway).
What do you think?
More of the park. They don’t call Newfoundland “The Rock” for nothing.
Here’s the thing: country living in an old farmhouse = mice in the house.
We’ve seen several mice hiding in the basement woodpile this winter so my husband set traps. (Country living tip: rodent traps are more effective set perpendicular to the walls along which the mice run.)
My three-year-old grandson has a toy snake that he threw down the basement several times without explaining why (and people brought up each time they fed the furnace). Crying, he explained, “I keep throwing my snake down and somebody keeps bringing it up. It needs to be down to catch the mice.” We couldn’t argue with the logic, so left the snake on the basement floor.
After my husband checked his trap-line this morning, here’s what Steven found.
He could not believe his eyes (after all, he knows it’s a toy snake), but once he took things in, he was delighted! Ah, the joys of grandparenthood (in the country).
On the way to the nearest town 45 minutes away, the highway runs by a field in which there is often a white horse. And if the horse is there, so is the goat, following the horse around like a shadow. This summer, there is a new addition – the goat’s kid, who is not visible in the photo.
I think people must stop often for photos and the horse is fed up. Nearly every time I took a shot, he moved his rear-end to the camera. Not amused by the paparazzi , I guess.
I first posted about the great Community Supported Agriculture project in Tatamagouche in June, when we received our first box of vegetables. Since then, there doesn’t seem to have been a lot of change in what we get each week, although the last few weeks we’ve seen such diverse food as broccoli, kohlrabi, fennel, and kale.
The problem is the wet weather we’re experiencing here in Nova Scotia this year. It seems like the rain started in early May and hasn’t stopped since. For instance, last week we received 4 inches (100 mm) of precipitation. Then, after a couple of sunny days on the weekend, it started raining at seven o’clock Monday morning and continued steadily all day, giving us another 2 inches this week. And there’s still no sun in sight.
Most of the rest of Canada is having an extremely dry summer and although rain threatens, there hasn’t been enough. When we were in southern Ontario in late July, we saw lawns and gardens, ditches and roadsides burned brown by the sun. Although I’d rather be here with too much rain (at least it’s not enough so far to cause serious flooding), it’s getting to be too much of a good thing – and it’s having a drastic effect on the vegetable crops.
Cammie, who runs the local CSA, advised us in late July that she had lost about 70% of her early crops in the wet and muddy spring (peas, beans, cabbage, broccoli, spring turnips, beets, salad mix, pac choi, Chinese cabbage, & radishes). But the summer really hasn’t been much better weather wise. This is the first week we’ve received beans in our harvest and there have been no peas at all.
But that’s the risk of a CSA program: farmers and members share in the risk of a bad year, as well as the bounty of a good one.
This week we received carrots, ruby-stemmed chard, a lettuce head, cilantro, broccoli, green & yellow beans, and fresh garlic.
Even though the weather and the resulting harvest have been a little disappointing thus far this year, I’m still keen on the CSA program and will join again next year (providing we have the cash in March). And I’m looking forward to many more weeks of superbly fresh and interesting vegetables this harvest season.
There’s thunderstorms somewhere around here this evening – we hear them in the distance and every so often see a faint flash of lightning. The dogs are not happy, as unused to the sound of thunder as they are.
Meanwhile, sunset came and went behind the clouds, lighting up the western sky with these gorgeous colors.
I never tire of sunsets; in the city, we seldom saw them as the buildings blocked our view.
The less-than-rich soil and shorter growing season along Nova Scotia’s North Shore means that most of the farmland around is used in woodlot, wild blueberries, hayfields, beef & dairy herds, and sheep – lots and lots of sheep. While many of the area farmers still use dogs to herd and protect their flocks–border collies and Bernese mountain dogs being a couple of the favorites–more and more are turning to the use of llamas.
Llamas are relatively friendly, curious and a great asset in keeping the local sheep from the local coyotes. You can read about their guard qualities here.
Yesterday afternoon, we passed a large flock of baa-ing ewes and lambs (what a marvelous sound!) and caught their protector in the middle of a grassy mouthful.
When we came to Nova Scotia, I didn’t realize we were moving near the Cobequid Hills – one of the three mountain ranges here. All of these ranges are part of the Canadian Appalachians, which are an extension of the American mountain chain of the same name.
The Cobequid Hills run along Nova Scotia’s north shore from the Minas Basin to Antigonish, and contain the highest point on the mainland – 1200-foot Nuttby Mountain. (The “mainland” is Nova Scotia without Cape Breton Island.)
My doctor has prescribed walking for my arthritic back and so I try each day to take my dogs for a walk. One of my favorite spots is in the 70-acre hayfield behind our property. This morning was overcast and cool, and the view of the Hills at the back of the field was beautiful.
I’m up to only 15 minutes of walking time, but if you’ve ever tried moving rubber boots through thigh-high grass, you’ll know it’s still a pretty good workout.