What are you reading Mondays is hosted by J. Kaye’s Book Blog
I’ve just finished a memoir won from the publisher, one reader recommendation, a young adult novel, a book club buy, a lovely story set in Kenya, a short WAHM guide, and the first in a great new detective/dog series (it works!): On The Line, Some Tame Gazelle, Breakfast at Sadie’s, Cormac, A Guide to the Birds of East Africa, License to Play, and Dog On It. Read the rest of this entry »
Busy couple of days and so I didn’t get this posted on Friday. But I didn’t want to miss showing you the colors.
The rain on Friday was soft, almost a mist, and what little wind there was was not from the north. The day was almost warm.
The wet had saturated the grasses in the field and on the lawn, bringing out the jewel tones in this bit of creation.


Ice plays a major role in Joan Clark’s novel Latitudes of Melt,

Ice delivers Aurora from the frigid North Atlantic to her new family in Newfoundland. Ice becomes her son Stan’s career. The huge icebergs that break off the earth’s polar regions and float off the shore of Newfoundland sink ships but are beautiful to swim around. Ice gives the book its title, referring to the latitudes at which icebergs melt.
“Because Newfoundland was roughly between 46 and 51 degrees north, it was smack in the middle of the latitudes of melt.”
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What are you reading Mondays is hosted by J. Kaye’s Book Blog
I’ve just finished two young girl “chapter” books, both classics in their own right, a top-100 list title, and a “I have no idea how this came to be reserved for me at the library” book: Betsy-Tacy, Ramona and her Mother, Olive Kitteridge, and The Christmas List: a Novel. Read the rest of this entry »
It’s been a bonus week of lovely (almost) mild & sunny weather and the weather office promises a couple of more days like this. We’re enjoying while we can.
The lovely golden leaves on the alder are all gone, so I’m focusing this week on the field across the road.
The white dot on the far side of the field is one of my cats hunting mice. Hunters shot a deer in the woods there last week – way, way not far enough away from the road and houses.


Not being camera-savvy, I couldn’t get the picture beyond the window this week. The lens would record only the ice on the pane.
At 4 p.m., it’s as dark as night, the wind is howling and blowing the trees and the sleety rain horizontal.
What a change from last week!


Such irony: on Saturday, I offered a sample of the small things that had given me pleasure in the past week. One of the items I chose was “no traffic lights within a 40 minute drive”.
Yesterday morning, I turned left out of my driveway and almost immediately saw a traffic light on our road.

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What are you reading Mondays is hosted by J. Kaye’s Book Blog
This week I finished reading :
The Iambics of Newfoundland: Notes from an Unknown Shore

After spending the greater part of a decade traveling around the island of Newfoundland… NPR radio (host) Robert Finch chronicles the people, geography, and wildlife of this remote and lovely place.
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